Welcome to Lada's private psychology practice
„The first step doesn't take you where you want, it takes you from where you are.“
Alejandro Jodorowsky
About Lada
„Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.“ Margaret Mead
I am a psychologist, who loves her job. I like diversity: in uniqueness of personalities, in skills and methods, in colours on a canvas, in violin tones, in different angles of view.
I have a master’s degree in psychology and completed an accredited postgraduate five-year training in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.
I like to study and learn new things, methods, techniques. I practice yoga, paint on canvas, work on various creative projects and translate professional texts. Regularly I also participate in professional conferences, where I can learn about the latest trends in the field and then bring them to my own practice so my clients can benefit from them too.
Private Psychology Practice
Mgr. Lada Kyzlinková, MBA
Psychologist based in Brno
I primarily work with adult clients individually or in groups. I always strive to view clients and their difficulties in a complex way, with all their multidimensional contexts. In order to help with different types of issues I use a variety of techniques and approaches, namely cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), transactional analysis (TA) or existential psychology.
Czech and English
I offer sessions in both Czech and English language.
Topics that I often work with:
difficult life situations, anxiety, dissatisfaction in life, building resilience, coping with stress, effective communication, assertiveness, interpersonal and career issues, adaptation to life in a foreign country
„Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone elses's life.“ Steve Jobs
I offer
Individual and Group sessions, workshops

The psychologist’s attention and support is fully focused on one client, his feelings, emotions and understanding of the world around. Individual sessions are very intense and complex. The number of sessions always depend on the nature of issues that client brings to therapy. Sessions are offered in two formats: online or in-person.

The group usually consists of six to ten members and one or two psychologists. Regularly listening and talking to others help clients to view their issues from a different perspective. Seeing as other members handle their problems and how they progress in life provides a great source of inspiration and motivation to make changes.

Workshops’ themes and activities are always taylored to match the requirements and needs of a specific audience. They are often part of organizational teambuilding activities and trainings. The most popular workshops are focused on effective team communication, emotional intelligence, creative thinking, strategies for coping with stress etc.